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Schermo blu con varie rappresentazioni di grafici per analisi dei dati

 Statistics for Data Analysis Bundle 

Statistics for Data Analysis is the ideal solution for all users looking for a statistical analysis tool.

Choose the bundle that best suits your analysis needs:


Includes import procedures and basic descriptive functions to facilitate the transition from raw data to first information


Includes the essential statistics procedures to ensure precision and reliability of data analysis.

Includes all the modules of Entry, plus:


It's a complete set of functions to face the quality and complexity of data on issues including automation and forecasting functionality to name but a few

Includes all the modules of

Statistics Standard, plus:


Contains most of the sophisticated advanced analysis procedures, such as structural equation models, in sampling evaluation as well as procedures specifically oriented for direct marketing. Includes all modules of Statistics Professional, plus:

See also software packages according to activity sector

To discover the modules and packages that more suit your needs

Statistics for Data Analysis is a solution by SPS Srl

Registered office:
Via Antonio Zanolini 36 AB, 40126 Bologna
VAT number and tax code 04222630370


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