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Occhiali dove si specchiano grafici e dati

 Statistics for Social&Economic 

This software package covers all areas of studies and research whose data are the result of information on trends in different economic and social sectors, such as employment, production of consumer goods, retail sales, female or non-EU entrepreneurship, etc.

It is therefore aimed at all researchers who carry out statistical surveys based on the processing of data and economic and social indicators, such as production, turnover, orders, employment in the world of work, forecasts, analyses on non-EU or female entrepreneurs.

The software packages for Social and Economic research are:


Package designed for:


  • Describing information in summary form

  • Classifying and producing multivariate analyses of social, economic and financial statistics

  • Setting up exploratory analyses on categorical variables, aimed at quality improvement


In addition to the functionality of the Entry package you can:


  • Determine comprehensive population segments

  • Determine the creditworthiness of customers, identifying risk groups


In addition to the functionality of the Midi package you can:


  • Generate choice models for categorical data

  • Set up financial economic simulation models

  • Assess any effects and/or characteristics associated with cases with missing data, with replacement and treatment of the missing data

Includes the modules

BaseCategories and Youden

Includes the modules Entry plus

Decision Trees

Includes the modules of the package Midi plus Advanced, Regression e Missing Values

Statistics for Data Analysis is an intuitive data analysis solution that makes it easy for you to understand and interpret your data and turn it into information, even if you are not an expert in the field.

Download the comparative table of the functionalities of each package

All the packages include the Add-Ons

Discover the advantages of our Solution:

Statistics for Data Analysis is a solution by SPS Srl

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VAT number and tax code 04222630370


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