Support | Statistics For Data Analysis powered by SPSS
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Help Desk services for SPSS products have been managed directly by the team of SPS (formerly SPSS) specialising in statistical data analysis for over 20 years.

In addition to technical support, the team provides:

The technical assistance service, included in the contract SPS Service Program, activates the following services:

  • Update service for minor and major releases and bug fixes released by the parent company (IBM)

  • SPS Add-On Update Service

  • Re-licensing service, i.e. moving licenses from one user to another and/or from one machine to another (without any change in the number of modules and licenses)

  • Rapid intervention in the face of anomalies, to analyse the problem and resolve bugs in the installed environment (diagnostic support).

Licensing and its maintenance refer to the number of clients (and related modules) installed, without any link to the user of the software itself (respecting the number of licenses, but also the type, i.e. Authorized User rather than Concurrent User).

If you have a technical problem and would like to contact our support team, please write an email to:

Entering the following information:

  • Operating system

  • Authorization code

  • Screenshot of the error that appears when activating and/or opening SPSS

For the re-licensing service, i.e. to move the license to a new PC, please write an email to

Entering the following information:

  • authorization code

  • lock code of the pc

and asking for the license restoration

See the FAQ to know how to get the lock code.

In the event of technical problems, it is important to send an email to to open a ticket in the ticketing tool, which sorts the customer's support requests, distributes them to the SPS team and ensures that the problems are examined within the correct timeframe. The system also automatically sends an email to the customer when the ticket is assigned, with the response time for the ticket created.

SPS provides the Help Desk service to the customer only on the latest and penultimate version of the solution.


The Application Maintenance service is intended as a set of system monitoring and user support activities necessary to keep the system up-to-date and fully functional, also providing users with support when anomalous behaviour of the instrument is detected (or presumed).

In addition to Help Desk services, this service includes:

  • direct contact with the Data Science team not only by e-mail, but also by telephone

  • “How do I do" user support

  • supporting documentation

  • activation of a dedicated ticketing tool


Would you like more information on the Application Maintenance service



SPS, with its Data Science team, has over 20 years' experience in consultancy and 100 projects with the most important Italian companies in the Financial Services, Telco, Retail and Manufacturing sectors.

There are three main business areas that SPS addresses:

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

  • GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance)

  • SC (Supply Chain)

The ability to speak the language of users and to reflect the business processes of different vertical sectors are distinctive elements of our approach.

Extracting information from historical data and using it to make important operational decisions in a business context is a complex operation that requires:

  • Specific experience in Advanced Analytics

  • Domain expertise in the specific field of application

  • Automation and integration in the corporate information system

  • Simple and immediate use of results in company decision centres                                  

Would you like to discover the section where we propose dedicated solutions by sector?

Statistics for Data Analysis is a solution by SPS Srl

Registered office:
Via Antonio Zanolini 36 AB, 40126 Bologna
VAT number and tax code 04222630370


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