Statistics Base | Statistics for Data Analysis powered by SPSS
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Statistics Base

The moduleStatistics Baserepresents the starting point of the Statistics for Data Analysis solution and includes the core functionality necessary to manage the entire analytical process.


Statistics Base provides a complete set of techniques and procedures that allow you to carry out statistical research and studies in the most varied fields, allowing you to improve your decision-making process.

Since 2023, the base module has been complemented by the following modules:


The main functions and features of Statistics Base are:


  • A complete set of statistical procedures to conductaccurateanalyses

  • Integrated techniques forpreparethe data, in order to improve the results

  • Features ofreportingand creation ofgraphsfor a better reading of the information

  • Features ofvisualizationthat show the meaning of the results in a simple and effective way.

  • Importof popular data file formats, including large datasets.

  • Features ofexportadvanced for rapid deployment of results


A complete set of statistical procedures


  • Perform a comprehensive set of descriptive procedures, including cross tabulations, frequencies, compared means, and correlation

  • Predict numerical outcomes and identify clusters using factor analysis, cluster analysis, linear regression, ordinal regression, discriminant analysis, and Nearest Neighbor analysis

  • Apply Monte Carlo simulation techniques to manage uncertainty in predictive models and establish the probability of a particular business outcome when all the necessary data is not available

  • Use Statistics Base with other modules, such asStatistics Regression AndStatistics Advanced, to more accurately identify and analyze complex relationships


integrated techniques


  • Identify and eliminate duplicate cases and restructure data files before analysis

  • Define data dictionary information (for example, value labels and variable types) and use it as a template to prepare all data for analysis faster

  • Open multiple datasets in a single session to save time and reduce steps


Reporting and charting capabilities


  • More easily create commonly used charts, such as scatterplot matrices, histograms, and population pyramids

  • Drag and drop elements and variables into a charting area and preview

  • Develop a graph and reuse the graphic elements to create similar ones

  • Generate double entry reports


Advanced viewing capabilities


  • Distribute and manipulate information to personalize decision making using online analytical processing (OLAP) reporting technology

  • Create high-end graphs and charts to simplify reporting and analysis by identifying new insights in the data

  • Use pre-integrated map templates to create geographic or demographic analysis that provides critical information for decision making

  • Quickly change the statistics and information in graphs for new levels of analysis by converting a table into a graph with just a few clicks

  • View interactive output on a variety of devices and platforms, including iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows smartphones and tablets.


Import of the most popular data formats


  • Access, manage and analyze all types of datasets, including survey data, corporate databases or data downloaded from the web

  • Eliminate data variability caused by language-specific encoding and view, analyze, and share data written in multiple languages, using built-in Unicode support.



  • The results of the analyzes are displayed in a separate environment, the Output Viewer, which organizes them in a hierarchical way, with the possibility of selecting, printing and exporting them for simple and quick sharing of the analysis work

  • Statistics for Data Analysis output is exportable in text, html, Excel, Power Point (*.PPT) or PDF format.

  • Templates can be exported in xml and SAS format

Tecnical sheet

Statistics Base

Statistics for Data Analysis is a solution by SPS Srl

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