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Video SPSS Area Socio Economica

 Video Academy | Socio-Economic Area 

The statistical analysis techniques presented in these videos are applicable to all subject areas, specifically focusing onexamplesof typesocial,economicAnddemographic.

Chi-Square Test with Statistics for Data Analysis


How do you find out if there is a significant relationship between two variables?
Watch the video and learn about the Chi-square test, one of the most widely used tools for exploring these associations.
This flexible test is essential in many fields, such as economics, social sciences, medicine, etc.
In this video, we focus on the key concepts behind the Chi-Square Test and how to apply it.


What are we talking about?


  • What is the Chi-square test, how it works and when to use it

  • Pearson's Chi-square theory

  • Chi-square test for paired data

  • How to interpret Chi-square test results

  • Practical example with Statistics for Data Analysis

Trasformazione digitale e analisi dati: Come APL ha ottimizzato i processi con Statistics for Data Analysis


n questo video, esploriamo l'importanza della trasformazione digitale e dell'analisi dati per ottenere risultati efficaci.


Attraverso una collaborazione significativa con Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro, abbiamo avuto il privilegio di intervistare due ospiti speciali.


Ci hanno accompagnato in questo percorso, condividendo esempi pratici utilizzando Statistics for Data Analysis approfondendo in particolare l'indicatore delle analisi territoriali avanzate e il monitoraggio degli eventi.

Linear Regression for Accurate Interpretations: Analysis of Reading Speed


In this video, we provide you with a brief theoretical introduction, showing you how to apply Linear Regression to an intriguing case study: the analysis of reading speed.


What will you discover:

• Factors influencing the reading speed of a passage
• How to use linear regression to analyze real data
• A practical example with Statistics for Data Analysis powered by SPSS

How to prepare data for a questionnaire


Data preparation is often one of the longest phases of an analysis (70-80% of the entire journey)


In this video we show some of themain techniquesstatistics to transform data from a questionnaire so that they can be used for the actual analysis phase.


We will see thesimplicityand thespeedof using Statistics for Data Analysis powered by SPSS, an intuitive solution suitable for everyone.



  • Introductory context

  • The main techniques ofdata preparation:

    • Aggregations

    • Automatic recodings

    • Dataset restructuring

    • Calculation between variables

  • Practical examplewith Statistics for Data Analysis


See the features of the Data Preparation module

Principal component analysis


You need toto extractcertain characteristics or ofreduceyour sample size?



By watching this video, you will have the opportunity to see how it is possible with the technique ofPrincipal Components (PCA), which helpsidentifypatterns in the data based on thecorrelationbetween features.


This way, with a smaller size, it will be easier for youindividuatetrends,modelsoutliersin the data.





  • Contextintroductory

  • Theoryof the PCA

  • Examplepractical on amarket analysis


Look at the characteristics of the modulesBasicAndCategories

Surveys on local economies and the labor market with Statistics for Data Analysis

Today organs edentitiesas the Chambers of Commerce are among themain disseminators of economic-statistical dataof local economies.

The webinar shows:investigationsonstatisticsAndtrendof the economic situation and of the birth-death rate of the enterprises of a territory, surveys on the employment of recent graduates according to the main socio-economic variables of the territory, assessment of the demand for work and of the professional and training needs expressed by the enterprises.

Statistics for Data Analysis is a solution by SPS Srl

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