Video Academy | Environmental area
The statistical analysis techniques presented in these videos are applicable to all subject areas, specifically focusing onexamplesof typeenvironmental.
Il Data Preparation è il fondamento su cui si basano tutte le analisi statistiche.
Senza di esso, il processo decisionale potrebbe essere instabile e inefficace.
Ecco perché è importante comprendere e padroneggiare questo processo cruciale.​
I vantaggi di una preparazione dei dati accurata sono molteplici:
Aumento della precisione dei risultati analitici
Migliore comprensione dei dati e delle tendenze nascoste
Riduzione del rischio di decisioni basate su informazioni sbagliate
Maggiore efficienza nell'analisi e nel processo decisionale
Durante il video mostreremo un esempio pratico in ambito ambientale, utilizzando Statistics for Data Analysis.
Analisi Fattoriale ​
Se stai gestendo dati provenienti da questionari che contengono domande a scala dove le risposte vanno da 1 a 5 o da "fortemente in disaccordo" a "fortemente d'accordo", ma non sai come sfruttarli al meglio, guarda il video del nostro webinar: scoprirai come trasformare questi dati in preziose informazioni per il tuo studio!
Nel video mostriamo un esempio su un data set proveniente da una survey riguardante incendi.
Custom tables and graphs​
You have toto analyzealarge amount of data and variables, but did you realize that spreadsheets have limitations because they require a long and laborious process?
In this video we see the main features of custom tables and graphs to move from data to information quickly and easily with the solutionStatistics for Data Analysispowered bySPSS
We show apractical example, thanks to which we will see at workthe previewfrom thetables, Thatwe will customizein real time,switching from a selection of data to the graph.
We will drawthen some godsmain graphs, including histogram and pie, which we will be able toexportin PowerPoint, Word, Excel and more.
see Tables module
How to choose a statistical Test (webinar in English)
When statistical analysis havesample dataas a starting point,statistical testsare of fundamental importance in order toextendthe results to a largerpopulation.
How to navigate the choice of the most appropriate statistical test to maximize the probability ofhighlightingin particulareffectand understanding whether it is actually present in the population?
thegoalof the presentation will be to show, throughpractical examples with Statistics for Data Analysis power by SPSS, techniques for choosing the most appropriate statistical test, based on the data at hand.
These are thetopicswe will cover during the presentation:
Parametric tests
Non-parametric tests
Comparison between parametric and non-parametric tests
The t-test
During this video, after an overview on the topic ofstatistical inference, let's take a closer look at one of the most popular tests:the t-test (or Student's test).
The T-test is one of the best known because it serves for compare equality statisticsmiddle school of two populations or of the same population with respect to a certain reference value.
Target of this presentation is to understand when, in which cases and what are the restrictions to be able tousethis kind ofparametric test.
Summary of the rules for theverification of statistical inference
Notes on differences between parametric and non-parametric tests
Hiring of the t-test
Criteria to decide when to use the parametric test versus a non-parametric procedure
Practical exampleon a monitoring of the radioactivity present on mosses after the Chernobiyl disaster
The t-test is found inBasic module
Statistics for Data Analysis vs. Spreadsheets
During this presentation we show the main onesdifferencesAndpotentialin useof Statistics for Data Analysis powered by SPSSto analyze data against a spreadsheet.
Through practical examples we show that Statistics for Data Analysis isusefulboth to those who dostatistical analysisboth to those who carry out activities ofreporting, automating the creation oftablesand decreasing the possible calculation errors compared to Excel.
Introductionto the tools included in the solution (App Statistics for Data Analysis, LaunchBox, dedicated support, etc.)
Comparisonin organizing data in SPSS Statistics and in Excel
Preparationsome data
Overview ofAnalyze menuby SPSS Statistics
Practical exampleon a data set of contaminated sites
in the United States
Look at the features of the moduleStatistics Base
The Analysis of Variance for Environmental Data
In the world we live in, the link between statistical analysis and environmental and health protection is increasingly evident.
Indeed, it is the result of statistical research, which has provided incontrovertible proof of the damage that climate change, atmospheric and noise pollution cause not only to man, but also to the entire environment.
By virtue of the increasing importance that statistics is assuming in this area, during this presentation we are showing a general overview of some statistical synthesis and survey techniques that can be used in the analysis of environmental data, such as for example the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) .
Individualizationof outliers
Checkof the data
Explorationof the dataset
Introductionto the analysis of variance
Practical exampleon an air monitoring dataset
Look at the features of the moduleStatistics Base​