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 Video Academy | Sanitary area 

La Gestione del Dato


I dati grezzi non hanno valore di per sé: è solo attraverso la loro corretta gestione che possono essere trasformati in informazioni utili per prendere decisioni migliori, migliorare l'efficienza e aumentare la competitività.

In questo video, esploriamo una serie di argomenti fondamentali per la gestione e l'analisi dei dati.


Partendo dal contesto introduttivo andremo poi a vedere come:

  • Osservare i dati e gestirli in modo preliminare

  • Ristrutturare le variabili

  • Pesare i casi

  • Utilizzare  la ricodifica automatica per le variabili quantitative 


Anova with Statistics for Data Analysis


As understand the effectivenessof a new drug?

We will have two groups of patients: one has been given the new treatment, while the other has been given the existing substance.


Discover the technique ofAnalysis of Variance (ANOVA) watching the video.

After an initial theoretical overview, we will build and interpret the data with the Statistics for Data Analysis solution, powered by IBM SPSS.



  • Introductory contextat the ANOVA

  • Features andhiring

  • Practical examplewith Statistics for Data Analysis


Find out what you can do with the form Basic

The impact of data on the digitization of healthcare:

the GVM case


Webinar dedicated to the collaboration with ourGVM customer historyCare&Research, in which we explore the theme ofimpactthat thedatahave on the entire healthcare sector, from care, toresearch, up togovernance.


Together with Maria Avolio, Head of the GVM Clinical Data Analysis Unit, we will show some practical examples withStatistics for Data Analysissolution that includes SPSS, and that is bysupportacross the board aall areas of health care.


In particular, we will be able to show the simplicity, practicality and speed of use for the purposes of:

  • AssistanceAndtreatmentimproving clinical performance

  • Research, enhancing the data also coming from small healthcare facilities,
    not only those of the large university polyclinics

  • Government of structures, providing the tools to understand where to invest and where to save


Look at the features Basic module â€‹

The PScore Module


How many times have you had numerous data available from health registers, surveys, medical records or in any case non-randomised data, because organizing an experiment is too expensive in terms of costs and time?

Watching this video you have the opportunity to see how the Propensity score matching technique, which is based on real cases, results similar to those of randomized studies are obtained.




  • Odds Ratio to measure the association between two factors 

  • Brief overview on logistic regression

  • Practical example on'effect of alcohol intake on insomnia.


Find out what you can do with the formPScore

The Chi-Square Test


The Chi-square test is one of the most common and simple tests of statistical significance, it is widely used in any type of experiment, from biology to medicine, from chemistry to environmental and social sciences.




  • Measuresof statistical association for categorical data

  • Chi-square ofpearson

  • Chi-square analysis for paired data: theMcNemar test

  • Practical exampleon a data set of patients who underwent astroke event and related intervention.


The Chi-squared test is found inBasic module â€‹

How to choose a Statistical Test?


When statistical analyzes have as a starting pointsample data, of fundamental importance are thestatistical teststoextendthe results to a larger population.


How to orient yourself inchoice of statistical testmost appropriate, to maximize the likelihood of putting inevidencea certaineffectand understand if it is actually present in the population?





  • Testparametric

  • Testnon-parametric

  • Comparisonbetween parametric and non-parametric tests


Look at the features Basic module

Data preparation with Statistics for Data Analysis


During this presentation we show the use of the Data and Transform menus dedicated todata preparation, a necessary phase to improve its quality before its use in the analysis phases.

Data cleaning and transformation are essential to be able to guarantee whoever doesresearchAndEducationobtaining reliable and accurate results.



  • Renovationsome data

  • Aggregationof data

  • Recodeof variables

  • Calculationof new variables

  • Rulesdata validation 

  • Practical examplerelating to asurvey of patients treated with an anxiolytic


look at the characteristics of Data Preparation module

Health surveillance of emission sources with potential impact on the territory


During this webinar we talk about the fundamental role of Statistics for Data Analysis in thedata analysiscoming from polluting sources, which can be the direct and indirect cause ofhealth effects on the population.


Dr. Gaia Fallani, collaborator of the Public Health Department of the Parma Local Health Authority, will show usspecific cases,analyzingsample data frommonitoringboth onterritoryboth onpopulation, with particular attention tosubjectswhich:

  • Statisticsexploratory

  • Normalitydistributive

  • Testparametric

  • Testnon-parametric

Data analysis for screening programs


This presentation aims to show you acase studieson the use of Statistics for Data Analysis in the medical and healthcare fields, where you will be able to see andconcrete examples, which will exploit the professionalism and ease of use of the tool to:


  • Preparethe data for analysis

  • Managemultiple choice data

  • Identifyautomatically duplicate cases

  • Aggregatethe data

  • Individuatethe target patients for the analysis

  • To analyzethe output of the results

Introduction to data analysis for research

scientific and medical


During this presentation we show an overview of themain statistical techniquesused in scientific research, capable ofto commutethe data intoinformationuseful andunderstandable, highlighting the irregularities and verifying the statistical hypotheses.


The aim is to highlight the professionalism combined with the ease of use of Statistics for Data Analysis through the use of practical examples.



  • Descriptive statistics​

  • Normal curve

  • InferenceStatistics​

  • Hints atlinear and logistic models​


Look at the features Basic module


Data analysis with Statistics for Data Analysis on data from doctor visits and patients


This webinar aims to present thecase studytypicalrequested by the top management of a healthcare company, for the analysis aimed at understanding and interpreting the data, transforming it into useful information.


The study is based on data from adatabaseOfspecialist servicesto registered patients on a per-visit basis.


Through the use of Statistics for Data Analysis, we will be able toto explorethe database, ofpreparedata for analysis, up to airesultsof the study, which will allow us todistinguishbetween the number of visits and patients and the types of patients who received a given therapy.


The statistical analysis techniques presented in these videos are applicable to all thematic areas, focusing specifically onexamplesof typehealth doctor,scientificandepidemiological.

Statistics for Data Analysis is a solution by SPS Srl

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VAT number and tax code 04222630370


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