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 Statistics for Data Analysis Add-Ons

The strong experience gained in the field of analysis allows us today to propose  Statistics for Data Analysis, a solution

powered by IBM SPSS, which will allow you to make the most of the tool's potential in all phases of the study process.


The Add-Ons can be installed and used directly from the Statistics menu or implemented in existing automatisms by copying/pasting

the syntax, allowing you to customize your studies.


Download the Download and Installation Guide for Statistics for Data Analysis


To access the Add-Ons listed below, use the following credentials:

User: spsread

Password: spsread

  • Automatic ID

This procedure allows cases to be duplicated a number of times equal to the value of a numeric variable.

  • Duplicate cases

  This procedure allows cases to be duplicated a number of times equal to the value of a numeric variable.

  • Split Strings

This procedure allows a string variable to be broken down into several parts by identifying a character within the string itself.

  • Add Days

This procedure allows you to add any number of days to a variable in date format.

  • Contingency tables

This procedure makes it possible to customise the contingency tables, whose data are automatically imported into a new dataset, ready for subsequent analysis.

  • Tables for multiple-choice sets

This procedure allows you to customise the tables for multiple-choice sets via a dialogue box.

  • RSVP Chart

It is a bar graph superimposed with a graphic element to display the bar-on-bar variation, horizontally.

  • Ladder Plot

This is a graph usually used to visualise the effect of a treatment on the same set of subjects, before and after treatment.

  • Replace Outliers

This procedure replaces missing values with the average of the values of the group to which they belong.

  • Keep Information

This procedure allows cases to be deduplicated by keeping those cases that contain more information.

  • String deduplication

With this procedure it is possible to concatenate a list of string variables while retaining, on a case-by-case basis, only the unique values of the string variables.

  • Text Extraction

 Questa procedura permette di scomporre una variabile stringa in due parti. La scomposizione avviene mediante l’individuazione di un carattere all’interno della stringa stessa.

  • File Division

This procedure is useful for dividing the file into sub-files based on the values assumed by a user-defined variable

  • Add 60 days

Procedure for adding 60 days end of month to a variable in date format.

  • Split random files

Procedure for randomly extracting two distinct sets of cases from a single file.

  • Esclude Outliers

Procedure to obtain a data file containing only those cases that belong to the range (average (control variable) -/+ n_times the standard deviation).

  • Remove Duplicates

Procedure that generates a data file containing only those cases that are NOT duplicated. Cases are selected by selecting one or more control variables to identify duplicate cases.

  • Case Validation

Procedure that generates a data file containing only those cases that comply with a set of constraints. Cases are selected by selecting one or more control variables and their respective constraints.

In this procedure, constraints are placed on at least two variables.

  • Simple Sample Base

This procedure makes it possible to determine the sample size in order to obtain results that reflect the survey population with a certain degree of accuracy.

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