Getting started with Statistics for Data Analysis
Objectiveof the webinar is to show thepotentialand theprofessionalismjoin thesimplicityof use ofStatistics for data Analysis. In particular, some of the main techniques are presented for:
Data access
Data preparation
Presentation of data with customized tables and graphs
It is known that the Data Access and Data Preparation phases are a first stepimportantfor any analysis project.
Data access is often defined as the tool to arrive atknowledge: the ability of an organization to retrieve information from any source.
We will see how Statistics for Data Analysis is an open tool, from which it is possible to import data wherever they reside.
Data preparation is the cleaning and transformation phase of data necessary to improve its quality before its use in the analysis phase.
Trying to avoid this preliminary phase of the analysis would be like looking for a book in a library that hasn't set any search criteria or finding a way on a navigator with incorrect street or city names.
We will see how Statistics for Data Analysis is our index and our corrector: it helps us to setconsistency, to organize and adto elaboratethe data to make them effectively usable and to achieve the objectives of the analysis.
The presentation of the data, clear and captivating, is essential to give everyone the opportunity to interpret theresultsto which we have arrived.
We will see how Statistics for Data Analysis allows us to drawtablesAndprofessional graphics, but of effect and ofsimpleinterpretation.
Look at all the features of the ModuleStatistics Base: